Inpatient Discharges Year 2012
1/1/2012 thru 12/31/2012

Data elements which alone are not sufficient to identify an individual, but which in combination raise unacceptable possibilities that patients could be identified, are classified as protected. All data will be released only in cell sizes greater than thirty. Data with cells with thirty or fewer cases will be suppressed

Sort output with one of the following:

Output: Discharges, Charges, Inpatient Days, Average Charge, Length Of Stay (LOS), Sort Option selected above

Limit output with the following:

Sex Age Group County of Residence Provider Type Payor Group
Discharge Status: Facility:
MDC - Major Diagnostic Category (CMS):
DRG - Major Diagnostic Related Group (CMS):
ICD-9-CM Principal Diagnosis: ICD-9-CM Principal Procedure:

